Retraining Your Mind, Realizing Your Purpose

Prison to Purpose is a nonprofit focused on retraining the minds of individuals impacted by the justice system and providing them the tools to realize their purpose (education + mentorship + job readiness skills).

Reach out with any questions or register today for our next class. 

Where Stories of Second Chances Begin

  • We understand that employment is hope for a better future. We also understand that “finding a job” may be the easiest part of the transition.  So, we focus on the “how to” of KEEPING that job.  There must be a retraining of the thought process to successfully navigate through this transition. We make it our goal to help individuals with blemished records gain the skills needed to get back on their feet and live fully in their freedom, both at home AND at work. Transitioning is hard and our passion is assisting you to reenter society with ease.
  • We all need a second chance and grace. At Prison to Purpose, we define our success by the successful reentry of our participants. 
  • Explore the rest of our website to learn more about our program.

Areas We Help With

• Reentering the Community

• Personal Growth

• Employment Preparation

Success Stories

  • “This program has really helped me find myself and gave me hope for my future.”

– Seagoville FCI Participants

  • “I really enjoyed how nice the facilitators are.”

– Seagoville FCI Participants 

  • “The teachers were great and very helpful.”

– Seagoville FCI Participants


I’ve been in and out of jail and been through many classes. This class has been the most intense and meaningful.

It really helped to have someone I could talk to whenever I needed them.

These people really care and it shows!

With our resume help, our graduate landed his dream job!

The only thing I would change about this program is I wish it was longer.

Upcoming Events

Ready to Transition From Prison? Reshape Your Future With Our Support Services for returning citizens.

© 2024 Prison To Purpose